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What is new in the Reducept subscription

Subscription for Healthcare Providers

Available subscription packages.

  1. Small practice (1-2 employees): Get access to Reducept for your patients, both at the practice as well as at home and connect a VR headset.
  2. Medium practice/institution (2-8 employees): Get access to Reducept for your patients, both on-site and at home. Connect 1-3 VR headsets to treat multiple patients at once.
  3. Institution (8+ employees): Get access to Reducept for your patients, both on-site and at home. Together we will look at the implementation plan and the number of headsets to be connected to provide pain education and pain management to all patients. 

Who can become a provider?

Reducept is available to all healthcare facilities that treat patients with chronic pain conditions. Because pain education and pain management are interventions that are prescribed in both primary, secondary and third line care, Reducept is broadly applicable. We currently have physical therapy practices, mental health practices and institutions, rehabilitation institutions, pain clinics, general and university hospitals using Reducept.

How do you become a provider?

We would like to schedule an introductory meeting to find out together what added value Reducept has for your practice or institution. Based on this meeting, we'll look at implementation options together.

Technical integration - how does it work?

Our own Reducept Dashboard for professionals is the place from which you control everything. This is where you create new patients, log patients into your VR headset and track patient progress. During the implementation training, we teach you to work with both the dashboard and the VR headsets.

Onboarding for providers - what's included?

When you start using Reducept, you'll receive comprehensive training from us. We'll talk about the integration of Reducept for your population, the theoretical background of Reducept and technical aspects. You will also receive documents to get you started: manuals, the protocol and the implementation course.

You can discuss the structure and costs of the implementation training with our team at support@reducept.com.

What is included in the subscription for professionals?

As a professional, you get access to the Reducept dashboard to manage all your patients. You have access to the Reducept app in VR and on cell phones. You'll get all the documents you need to get started on Reducept properly. You'll also have access to online webinars, live events, additional exercises and the monthly newsletter for professionals.

What do patients get access to?

When you give a patient access to Reducept, they get 3 months of access to the Reducept app on their smartphone and VR. Your patient will also receive their own account that can be used to follow a comprehensive pain course on our website, including a workbook. Patients are offered a pain education program via email and access to additional exercises, articles and webinars.

How do you manage patients within the professional subscription?

You can create new patients or delete patients in the online dashboard. You decide whether a patient will receive an account to practice with Reducept at home. A patient account is active for three months by default, which can be extended by you as the practitioner.

How to cancel the subscription:

Send us a message at support@reducept.com to change your subscription status.


Update patients subscription

No direct subscription for patients

Do you have pain issues yourself and want to get started with Reducept? Then we encourage you to visit one of our practitioners to get acquainted with Reducept. You can find all practitioners who apply Reducept here

Home options to play Reducept between sessions

After you have been introduced to Reducept in practice and your practitioner has created an account, you can use Reducept for three months. Some practitioners loan VR headsets, but you can also play on your own smartphone or purchase your own VR headset. You also get access to our online pain course, workbook, additional exercises and live sessions.

Referring patients to continue the subscription after formal treatment

Have you finished your treatment and would like to continue using Reducept? You can. By visiting your account page on the member page, you can decide to activate your account for your own use.

Technical requirements for end users can be found here.


What is new in the Reducept subscription