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Louis Zantema: Science and product 2021 in review

Cliché, but true. 2021 has gone by faster than we expected!

(It's already the third year of Reducept's existence and just over two years that it has been available as a VR therapy! In this overview, we look back at 2021 by theme and briefly look ahead to 2022.

Reducept - a method for chronic pain

The most critical changes for Reducept in 2021 came in the details, but undoubtedly important details! For example, since 2021, Reducept has been CE certified as a treatment. This year, we have also worked hard on the system 'behind' the therapy. The dashboard and the programme that connects everything together have been completely renewed. We've improved the connection between the VR glasses and the therapist and increased the platform's stability with the future in mind. 

Reducept has also become 'more than just a VR intervention'. Patients can work more efficiently at home with a workbook, exercises and webinars. We have also begun providing all new clients training (on location) when starting with Reducept.

Research in 2021

Our first randomised clinical trial (RCT) with Radboud and Rijnstate was completed this year. We are currently waiting for the data to be processed and will hopefully see our first publication next year. In addition, at the end of this year, the study 'Therapeutic VR integrated within physiotherapy' started. It is a 4-year project in which Reducept and movement exercises in VR are investigated in a physiotherapy setting and where eventually, a large-scale RCT will take place. We have taken our first steps in Germany, where university clinics are testing the German version of Reducept.


Together with our partner SyncVR, we have expanded mainly in hospitals this year, with Reducept now being available at ten new locations. In addition, this year, we successfully launched the first pilot with Reducept in the USA with our partner XRhealth. From early 2022, Reducept will be available in the first American regions via XRHealth.

What's coming up?

The Reducept method will be improved bit by bit over the next year. We are working on a workbook for patients to follow at home during a Reducept trajectory. The training for professionals will expand and provide a more specific programme that professionals can adhere to when using Reducept.

With the launch of the new dashboard, a lot of stability has already been improved. We hope to extend this stability in the coming period and ensure that all patient data is displayed correctly in the dashboard - regardless of the type of headset or device they use to play Reducept.

We will continue to fight for reimbursement of Reducept, especially within the healthcare performance system in primary care. DBC systems offer more room for innovation than care performance systems. Still, another important consideration is that healthcare costs may decrease when more complex pain treatment is provided in primary care by Reducept.  


Louis Zantema



Louis Zantema: Science and product 2021 in review